Hi, everyone at least everyone that can read.

To blog or not to blog?, that is the question.

My internal struggle is that I’m a devoted Christian and now I’m developing a taste for internet comedy. Not that I like watching comedy, but that I have a need to express myself in a humorous way. If I want to be truthful, I’ve always had this need.

My new goal is to blog on Saturday mornings; once a week. To tell my story. To continue my devotion to God and family, but also to write funny stuff.

Thank God I’m a funny boy! Help me Lord not to offend my Christian brothers and sisters, but to continue to explore this unusual gift from God.

“They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.” Numbers 31:8

In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters — yes, even his own life — he cannot be my disciple. {Luke 14:26 NIV]

I am a disciple of Jesus. How do I know this? Because I hate my own life. All my life, I wanted to become a famous comedian, but instead I became a screw-machine operator. Thank God for this blog, and the ability to repent of my sin. My sin? Yes, loving my life as a stand-up comedian more than being a disciple of Jesus. So in the words of Steve Martin, “I break with thee.” Not with God, but with my failed comedy career dream.

“Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27-28NIV)

One day Jesus and his disciples were preparing their own lunch in a field of wheat by picking some heads of grain. Suddenly a Pharisee interrupted their meal and said, “Hey you guys, Why are you breaking the Sabbath laws?”

Jesus replied, “Remember when David was running away from Saul, and how he ate the consecrated bread with his companions and with the priest’s approval?”

Jesus further explained that he was Lord of the Sabbath and that he had even greater authority than David to authorize his disciples meal plan.

In the second episode, Jesus heals a man with a shriveled hand to the taunts and jeers of the Pharisees even during their Sabbath rest. Jesus questioned their false accusations by asking the Pharisees,”Isn’t it more lawful to heal than to kill or do good rather than evil on the Sabbath day?”

Jesus healed the man with the shriveled hand but the Pharisees and Herodians began to plot how they might kill Jesus.

Heavenly Father, Today I learned that Jesus is Lord of my life everyday including Saturdays.

Help me to be a man of prayer and love my family and friends into the Kingdom of God.

Bless Pastor Matt as he opens your Word this weekend and preaches from his heart and Mark’s gospel.

Lord, Please accept my humble testimony and internet prayer.

In Jesus name, Amen.


The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news! Mark 1:15 [NIV]

Jesus made me an offer I couldn’t refuse! He said to me, “If you repent of your sins and believe the good news about me,  you may enter my kingdom.”

Sounds easy, right?

I know from the Bible, God wants me to have childlike faith in his Son Jesus; and some day I hope to enter his kingdom and receive my eternal reward.

This is the good news: Jesus died on the cross for my sin and if I put my trust in him, I may enter his kingdom!

After trusting in him, I will live forever with Jesus in the kingdom of God!

Father, thank you for the good news of Jesus and his cross that gives me hope in the kingdom of God. Help me to repent of my sins and be…

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The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news! Mark 1:15 [NIV]

Jesus made me an offer I couldn’t refuse! He said to me, “If you repent of your sins and believe the good news about me,  you may enter my kingdom.”

Sounds easy, right?

I know from the Bible, God wants me to have childlike faith in his Son Jesus; and some day I hope to enter his kingdom and receive my eternal reward.

This is the good news: Jesus died on the cross for my sin and if I put my trust in him, I may enter his kingdom!

After trusting in him, I will live forever with Jesus in the kingdom of God!

Father, thank you for the good news of Jesus and his cross that gives me hope in the kingdom of God. Help me to repent of my sins and be saved!

In Jesus name, Amen.